Artificial Intelligence – the path ahead

Artificial intelligence is more than just a buzzword – it is a new type of computer-generated technology that takes the logical next step from digital automation. Investors tend to respond enthusiastically to everything AI – whether it be a car manufacturer that...


Many observers have commented on the similarity between streaming services today and cable and satellite television in the 1980s. Both offered viewers increased choice. Both were initially free from advertisements. Both eventually introduced advertisements as a way of...

Insurance Now and Then

The inflation of the past year and its countermeasures have impacted most sectors of the economy – particularly finance. One area that has overall escaped public discussion is insurance. This is surprising given that some types of policies – especially...

Contracts and Talent: Why Some Actors Don’t Enjoy their Success

Some actors, musicians and creative people enjoy a brief period of success and instant wealth only to fall on hard times later. Some, like Mozart, were successful for the whole duration of their lives but, due to poor financial management, constantly found themselves...